Pre-Ride Introduction
Download these instructions (PDF)
Welcome to C & M Stables, one of the few Horse back riding stables on the Oregon coast. C&M Stables has been in operation since 1981. The staff would like to take this time before we call you to the corral to cover some very important safety tips and rules so that all who participate can have a fun and safe ride.
1.) Please stay out of the corral area until we call your name.
2.) Adult supervision is required at all times for Minors under 18.
3.) Please do not wander into the pasture or barn areas.
We use Electric fences. Parents, please do not allow children to play around them.
4.) We do not allow any Drugs or Alcohol on the ranch or anyone under the influence on the rides.
5.) Smoking is only allowed in designated areas. Please use cigarette cans to put them out, not the ground. We do not allow smoking or tobacco chewing on the rides.
6.) We strongly recommend that a restroom stop be made before the ride. On the rides there will be no restroom available.
7.) It is highly recommended, before the ride, that you remove wallets from your back pockets and make sure that anything in your pockets which can fall or work out is secured in a button or zip up pocket. Car keys can be lost very easily, also loose jewelry. (Keys can be left at the office and valuables should be locked in your car.)
8.) Any cameras taken on the rides must be small, out of the case, and on a neck strap. (NO Exceptions) This is so the camera does not hinder the ability of the rider to use the reins and keep control of the horse at all times. If your camera does not have a neck strap, please ask for one at the office.
9.) We require that NO beverages be taken on the rides. This is to avoid potential problems with control of horses on the rides if the rider releases the reins, diverts attention from controling the horse, or drops a container (possibly spooking a horse). Please have your drink before the ride. We will provide a beverage break for any ride longer than 2 hours in length.
10.) Due to windy beach conditions, we ask that only hats with chin straps be taken on the rides. No large brim hats please.
11.) All children must fit the junior saddles regardless of age to go out on the rides.
12.) We do not allow sandals or flip flops on the rides. Tennis shoes are fine. We do have some shoes to loan.
13.) Children must be six to go on our Dune Trail ride and eight to go on the Beach rides.
Children must be 10 years and older to go on the Morning Adventure ride.
14.) We always recommend you take a warm jacket on our beach rides. During the summer the north-west wind can be very strong and cold. GO PREPARED FOR IT. The best is to layer up and take gloves.
15.) We require that no back packs or fanny packs be taken on the rides. Jackets or extra clothing items can be tied to the saddle for you ( Ask your guide). We do not want any item with you on your horse which could distract you, prompt you to take your hands off the reins, or hurt you if you fell off.
16.) Our Dune Trail rides are a walk only ride – due to trail limitations.
17.) On the Beach rides, with the guide’s permission, all riders are allowed to Trot their horse after
reaching the beach, but only with suitable conditions and proper distance between the horses.
On the Morning Adventure ride, once on the beach and after proving your riding skills to your guide, we do allow limited cantering. However, it must only be one rider at a time and out and away from the other riders so not to create competition with other riders. We only allow advanced riders on this ride. If you are not an advanced rider and you select this ride it will keep all from cantering on. your ride. Beach conditions must be suitable and safe for cantering to be allowed.
18.) Remember your horses name. It is impossible for your guides to know all riders by name. Your guides will refer to you with your horses name.
19.) Wind conditions on the beach make it hard to hear, so don’t be afraid to raise a hand in the air to gain your guides attention. If you see your guide waiving their hand please stop your horse unti you are told to go again.
20.) When your name is called at the corral entrance, you will be assigned a horse to match your riding skills.
Beginner = someone who rides infrequently or never before. Maybe rides a few times a year over the years.
Medium = Someone who has been riding for years, maybe lessons, maybe did lots in the distant past but has not ridden much since. Could bring a horse under control if faced with a horse that started to canter.
Advanced = Someone who has had years of riding, Lessons, put many hours in the saddle each year and can properly control a horse under any circumstance that may be found on the ride.
When called into the corral, please stand in front of your assigned horse’s stall. A guide will get your horse ready for you and bring the horse out for you to mount. Please listen to your guide’s instruction closely so you learn the proper way to ride and keep control of your horse. We do have a mounting block – just ask your guide.
21.) If you have chosen to wear a helmet, please put it on before entering the corral.
Please keep the helmet on until you return, are off your horse, and are out of the corral.
22.) Reasons for terminating your ride include, but are not limited to!
a. Any kind of horse abuse.
b. Any actions which endanger yourself, your horse, or others.
c. Refusing to follow your guide’s instructions.
d. Purposely causing competition between horses on the ride.
e. Using leather straps to get your horse to go faster.
f. On Advanced rides, failing to ask for permission to canter your horse.
g. On Advanced rides, failing to keep your horse to a controlled canter.
h. Failing to try to keep control of your horse at all times during the ride.
i. Failing to stay within four to five hundred feet of a guide at all times.
j. Using alcohol or drugs on the ride.
k. Smoking or chewing tobacco on the ride.
l. Obscene language or gestures.
m. Purposely allowing your horse to graze or eat along the trail.
23.) Please remember your guide is there for the safety of all riders and that the ride you are on is a group guided ride of all skill levels. Your guides will conduct the ride in a manner for safety for all as a group.
24.) The time to ask for help is during the ride, not after you return to the corral. Your guides will be happy to help you by explaining how and why but you, as the rider, must be able to gain the proper response and control of your horse.
25.) Please make sure to lock your car before leaving on the ride.
26.) Upon returning, please return any helmets to the office counter.
27.) After your ride, we encourage you to fill out a comment card and let us know how we did. Any problems should be brought to the attention of the front desk before you leave.
The recreational activity you are about to take part in is conducted on live animals. Horses used on string rides are accustomed to a routine and, if allowed, will do what they think they should be doing. However, if proper control and seating is used by the rider, the horse will respond for the rider. Although our horses are not used for customers until they are proven, there is no such thing as a perfectly “safe” horse. At any given time anything can irritate or spook a horse into doing a quick stop, side step, crow hop, bucking, full out, run etc. By following some basic safety rules, riding horses can be a very rewarding and safe activity for all ages and skill leveled riders to enjoy.
Thank you for your cooperation and patronage.